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Roan St Patrick's Primary School, Eglish, Co. Tyrone

News - P5

20th Jun 2024
Congratulations to all children who picked up curricular, sporting, Mathletics or...
12th Jun 2024
Primary 5 had a great day at Airtastic for their end of year school trip 😊
30th May 2024
We said farewell to Kyle on Friday who is currently having a good look around his...
22nd Apr 2024
The boys and girls of Roan were treated to a fantastic Spelling Bee competition on...
22nd Mar 2024
Over the last number of weeks Primary Five have been learning about the Titanic as...
19th Dec 2023
Our P5-7 pupils finished our day off with a very moving carol service tonight in...
24th Nov 2023
Primary Five have been working on measurement. This week we used metre sticks to...
13th Oct 2023
What a celebration of football it was for our Primary 4 & 5 children today in...

2022/2023 School Year

16th Jun 2023
Primary 5 & 6 went to Airtastic on Thursday for an end of year trip, what a fun...
6th Jun 2023
Primary Five had a great day at the Ulster Museum in Belfast, we took part in a Ancient...